Feel strong, grounded, and stable! This is a practice that strengthens the legs, hips, back, core muscles, and helps the qi flow smoothly through all the meridians in the lower body. Movements are slightly faster and will give your body a good workout! Includes exercises that can strengthen the small supporting muscles that help you move easily and gracefully throughout your day. Harmonize Shen, Water and Fire element. Also includes a healing sound practice, the dynamic "Tiger Grasps Prey" and "Washing the Barrel." Join Jeff in this crisp Canadian winter scene and warm your muscles, joints, and Qi!
Up Next in Energizing
Simple Routine (10 mins)
A simple and effective routine to bring you back to the present moment. Clear your mind and improve clarity. Your brain will function better and give sigh of relief after this one! This is a 10 minute routine even though Jeff mentions that it is five minutes! ;)
Release the Upper Gate (28 mins)
A 'functional' routine designed for relief and prevention of neck tension. This is more of a 'problem-solving' video for those who sit at a desk for long periods of time and then notice tension in their neck. If you suffer from neck tension due to forward-head posture, then you'll find this extre...
Breathe Easy (12 mins)
Inhale. Exhale. A routine to revitalize the lungs and open up the chest. It can help with breathing related to asthma, allergies or tightness in the chest. Expand and loosen up the chest area. A simple routine that can be practiced any time of the day. The movements influence both the lungs and s...