Monthly Practice Schedule

Monthly Practice Schedule

📅 Monthly Qigong practice schedule for MARCH! 🐥 Click on the date and follow along - there is a video for each day of the month! Every month we update and change the routines. The monthly schedule is a wonderful way to explore different routines and keep you practicing daily! :)

Monthly Practice Schedule
  • Day 1
    Movie + 1 extra

    Day 1

    Movie + 1 extra

    🐥 Welcome to the month of MARCH! 🪺🐦‍⬛ May you enjoy movement of all kinds throughout this month! 🏃‍♂️ I hope you enjoy the challenge and find some new favourites! This month I included the intro videos for a few of the longer routines. They help set the stage for the practice - especially for tho...

  • Day 2


    Practice for day 2 of the month. Enjoy! :)

  • Day 3


    Practice for day 3 of the month. Keep it up! :)

  • Day 4


    Practice for day 4 of the month. You're doing great! :)

  • Day 5


    Practice for day 5 of the month. You got this! :)

  • Day 6


    Practice for day 6 of the month :)

  • Day 7


    Practice for day 7 of the month. You're doing great! You've been practicing daily for a whole week! Keep going :)

  • Day 8


    Practice for day 8 of the month. Take a breath and keep up the good work! :)

  • Day 9


    Practice for day 9 of the month. Keep the Qi moving! :)

  • Day 10


    Practice for day 10 of the month. You are strong! :)

  • Day 11


    Practice for day 11 of the month. Feel alive and enjoy the day! :)

  • Day 12


    Practice for day 12 of the month. Keep up the good work!

  • Day 13


    Practice for day 13 of the month. Wow, you're almost at the middle of the month. Keep going. You can do it! :)

  • Day 14


    Practice for day 14 of the month. Wow - you have been practicing daily for TWO weeks now! Connect with your heart, keep your Qi moving! :)

  • Day 15
    Movie + 1 extra

    Day 15

    Movie + 1 extra

    Practice for day 15 of the month. Relax into it! :)

  • Day 16


    Practice for day 16 of the month. Well done! By practicing daily, you are taking good care of yourself! :)

  • Day 17


    Practice for day 17 of the month. Look at you go! :)

  • Day 18


    Practice for day 18 of the month. Remember to practice within your own comfort zone and take breaks when needed :)

  • Day 19


    Practice for day 19 of the month. Keep the Qi moving through all your meridians! :)

  • Day 20


    Practice for day 20 of the month. You are strong and taking good care of yourself. Keep going! :)

  • Day 21


    Practice for day 21 of the month. You've been practicing DAILY for three weeks now! You are amazing! Keep going :)

  • Day 22


    Practice for day 22 of the month. Keep the Qi moving! :)

  • Day 23


    Practice for day 23 of the month. You're going to feel great! :)

  • Day 24


    Practice for day 24 of the month. You are making a commitment to your wellness by practicing daily. Well done! :)