A gentle wake up to start your day. This quick routine will increase circulation in muscles, joints and soft tissue as well as stimulate Qi flow through all internal organs and meridians. Start with "Lifting the Sky" and move through a flowing sequence that feels a bit like a dance by the sea. Movements help strengthen digestion and build energy. Nourish yourself and start your day feeling balanced.
Up Next in Energizing
Short and Sweet Tap and Release Qigon...
A short and sweet tapping and patting practice to release stagnant energy and encourage smooth flowing Qi throughout the body. You will feel happier with renewed energy after this 10 minute practice! A slightly longer version can be found here: https://qigongforvitality.vhx.tv/videos/tap-and-rele...
Big Beautiful Brain (31 mins)
Enhance memory, creativity and connection. Your brain will feel big and beautiful after this stimulating routine! Contralateral movement combined with expansive reach will engage the brain and boost cognitive function. Enjoy feeling clear-headed and ready to absorb new information and experiences!
Flow (27 mins)
Let the river wash away your worries as you practice exercises such as Big Bear, Big Circle, Cloud Hands, Brush Knee and Twist, Drawing the Bow and Clearing the Dan Tian. Movements strengthen the Liver, Gallbladder, and Spleen in TCM, and open the chest, lungs, and mid back. Your mind will feel c...