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Watch this video and more on Qi Gong for Vitality

Watch this video and more on Qi Gong for Vitality

Fresh and Bright (8 mins)

Uplifting • 8m 27s

Up Next in Uplifting

  • Day 29 Calm and Connected (18 mins)

    Welcome to Day 29!
    Oh my goodness you're almost there! Today's routine is perfect to relax after yesterday's invigorating practice. A joyful, light-hearted routine to start your day with positive energy. Jeff invites you to hold a happy memory, pleasant thought, moment of joy or something that ma...

  • Peaceful Resilience (13 mins)

    Cultivate inner strength and fortify resilience. Reinforce healthy boundaries and mental fortitude as you move through life's ebb and flow. A practice to help you navigate the real world and gracefully adapt to new or changing situations. Like a symphony of breath and movement, this routine invit...

  • Soaring Shen (20 mins)

    Spread your wings and fly! Awaken a sense of lightness and freedom as you expand to the horizons and let your spirit soar. Inspired by the graceful flight of birds, this empowering routine will guide you on a journey to harmonize your body, mind and spirit. Movements such as ‘Heron Spreads Wings’...