Balance Yin and Yang through all meridians and internal organs. Harmonize meridians of the arms and legs to increase circulation around Mingmen and Dantian. An excellent practice for grounding energy, balancing hormones (for both women and men) and connecting with your root. Join Jeff and Penny (the Qi-R-Leader) under the shade of Thomas, the Willow Tree!
Up Next in Uplifting
6 Level Qigong (15 mins)
Take 15 minutes to feel present in your Authentic Self as you connect with body, mind and Shen. This routine was presented in "live" Qi Chat Episode #39:
Cleansing the Bai Hui (45 mins)
Stimulate, cleanse and energize your 'Bai Hui.' Feel clear minded and tranquil. Bai Hui, located on the top of the head, has been used for health and spiritual purposes for thousands of years. Bai Hui means "100 meeting points" where six Yang channels and the Du meridian meet on the crown of the ...
6 Healing Sounds (8 mins)
A classic Qigong practice to increase circulation in all the internal organs and meridians. Release old, stagnant emotions and make space for positive, calm, empowering thoughts and feelings! Practice this routine after other long or short practices to further enhance the effect. Join Jeff, and v...