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Watch this video and more on Qi Gong for Vitality

Watch this video and more on Qi Gong for Vitality

8 Pieces of Silk Brocade (13 mins)

10 - 15 minutes • 13m

Up Next in 10 - 15 minutes

  • Sitting Qigong (15 mins)

    A lovely seated routine that is yin in nature, easy to do and gentle on the body. If you have restrictions, pain or range of motion problems, this routine may be beneficial. While Qigong can help your body in many ways, this particular practice will help you enter the 'flow state.' When you exper...

  • Qigong Cleanse (14 mins)

    A simple Qigong practice to help cleanse your body and mind from any unnecessary thoughts, tension, fears, worry or stressors. Qigong Cleanse features a very simple movement called "Sweeping." Sweeping is an easy movement that can help move Qi, release tension, and relax the physical body. The co...

  • Wake Up (13 mins)

    A gentle wake up to start your day. This quick routine will increase circulation in muscles, joints and soft tissue as well as stimulate Qi flow through all internal organs and meridians. Start with "Lifting the Sky" and move through a flowing sequence that feels a bit like a dance by the sea. Mo...