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Watch this video and more on Qi Gong for Vitality

Watch this video and more on Qi Gong for Vitality

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20 - 30 minutes • 22m

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  • Qigong for Robust Digestion (21 mins)

    Soothe Earth element and digestion with this harmonious practice. Includes abdominal massage, walking Qigong, Healing Sounds and Bear Qigong to encourage healthy, robust digestion! This routine was presented at the end of the "live" Qi Chat that can be found here:

  • Emerging Qi (29 mins)

    Embrace full and grounded movements like a seed germinating to life. Invigorate your Qi with patting, swinging and bouncing then allow your 'root energy' to emerge. This is a great routine to do when you are feeling tense or "wound up." You will finish feeling light, fresh and fully Present! *Wh...

  • Zheng Healing Qigong Routine (23 mins)

    "Zheng" means authentic, upright or real. Connect with your 'authentic self' as you support your body to rejuvenate and heal to its highest potential. Find the 'growth state' in your practice and feel the flow. This routine is from "live" Qi Chat episode #47. If you'd like to learn more about "Zh...