Consider the contrast of a majestic weeping willow tree with that of an evergreen tree. Jeff uses the analogy that we should be like the weeping willow, able to move and flow with change, yet come back to our center. The evergreen is strong but rigid and when the wind blows it does not move with the wind, but can snap or break. Stand like the willow tree in Qigong (and life), able to flow and adapt, but at the same time remaining centered and grounded. Here is a routine under the weeping willow Jeff is talking about:
Up Next in The Universi Qi
Universi Qi Episode 6 - Hidden Benefi...
Learn about one of the hidden benefits of Qigong! You don't need to force it but with regular practice you will start to see this unfold in yourself! In this episode, Jeff also discusses how this connects to ''Horse Stance. After watching, you may be inspired to practice it. Stance! If so, here's...
Universi Qi Episode 5 - Coordination ...
When you first start practicing Qigong, you may just be following along with the movements which is great. Keep going! But as your practice evolves, there is a sequence of events to focus on. Start with staying grounded throughout, breathing naturally and relaxing the body. As you progress, there...
Universi Qi Episode 4 - Introduction ...
An introduction to the Qigong routine called "Emotional Release" found in the Longer Practices section. Learn how emotions can become trapped in the body and the concept of somatic memory. The Emotional Release routine cleanses the mind of unwanted thoughts and emotions: https://qigongforvitality...