Strengthen body, improve balance and fortify the Shen! This routine combines physically challenging movements with moments of stillness to help create inner strength. Practice tensing and releasing the muscles while inhaling nourishing Qi. Includes the exercise "Twisting and Coiling the Qi." For additional information on twisting and coiling, watch this video:
Up Next in 10 - 15 minutes
Revitalize Body Short Version (13 mins)
A shortened version of the 'Revitalize Body' routine. Increase Qi and blood circulation throughout the entire body. Breathe deeply from head to toe and notice your body become refreshed and revitalized! The long version of this routine can be found here:
Warm Heart - Short version (13 mins)
A short 13 minute version of the full Warm Heart routine. Let your heart, spirit, and Shen feel soft, abundant, and warm! Set among cinnamon colored rock formations with the scent of wild sage in the air, this routine will strengthen the heart organ, meridian and element, allowing you to feel rel...
Flourish (12 mins)
Breathe deeply and let your Qi "Flourish!" This routine is helpful for increasing Qi circulation through the liver, gallbladder, stomach, and spleen. When Qi is stagnant, we won't feel our best. These movements gently encourage healthy Qi flow and can be helpful for stress, tension, and digestion...