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Watch this video and more on Qi Gong for Vitality

Watch this video and more on Qi Gong for Vitality

Peaceful Shen INTRO (5 mins)

20 - 30 minutes • 5m 1s

Up Next in 20 - 30 minutes

  • Peaceful Shen (25 mins)

    Restore Shen and Spirit as you practice with Jeff in a meadow of Camas flowers. Embrace the feeling of lightness through movements such as 'Deer Qigong' and 'Smiling Shen to the Horizon.' This routine promotes a peaceful state by strengthening the Heart Qi and Shen. A perfect complement to the p...

  • Release (25 mins)

    Feeling tense or tightly wound? Release and let go. Join Jeff at the base of this glacier fed lake on a magically still morning. 'Clearing the Ren' will have you feeling relaxed, open, and revitalized! Clear stagnation from the upper body, chest and back as you release!

  • Stomach Meridian - Nourish Earth (24 ...

    Nourish Stomach and Earth element with this tonifying practice. Stimulate Zusanli (ST36), one of the most important points in the body, while sending vibrant Qi to Tianshu and Dan Tian to promote healthy digestion. Allow your feet to connect to the Earth as you sink into the practice. Notice your...