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Watch this video and more on Qi Gong for Vitality

Watch this video and more on Qi Gong for Vitality

Fully Flowing Sitting Routine (46 mins)

Sitting Routines • 46m

Up Next in Sitting Routines

  • Day 14 Sitting Qi Gong (21 mins)

    Welcome to Day 14!
    Congratulations! You've been doing Qigong for TWO full weeks now!!! Well done! Today Jeff demonstrates a powerful yang-building routine that can be done entirely from a seated position. Feel strong and vibrant, filled with energy, ready to tackle challenges that come your way!...

  • Sitting Meditation (7 mins)

    Sit with Jeff for a few minutes. Stop for a bit and "take time to come back to your breath". Enjoy guidance from Jeff, peaceful imagery and relaxing music. Take time to recharge your spirit.

  • Sitting Qigong (15 mins)

    A lovely seated routine that is yin in nature, easy to do and gentle on the body. If you have restrictions, pain or range of motion problems, this routine may be beneficial. While Qigong can help your body in many ways, this particular practice will help you enter the 'flow state.' When you exper...