Welcome to Day 21!
You have now been practicing Qi Gong for THREE weeks! Congratulations, you are amazing! You are honoring your commitment to yourself and your health. Keep going! Tonify the Earth element and feel your digestion strengthen. Join Jeff by the ocean and breathe in vitality. Follow along and exhale with the 'ohm' sound to enhance the effect. Feel the resonance in your abdomen. Draw energy and warmth into the belly and Dan Tian area. Build strong energy with this one!
Up Next in 30 Days of Qi Gong
Day 22 Free Flowing Liver (19 mins)
Welcome to Day 22!
You're doing amazing - you are now 22 days in! Keep going! Jeff leads you through a complete warm-up while discussing the Liver meridian system and the types of imbalances that can occur. After your warm up, join him in the forest surrounded by beautiful trees with dappled sun... -
Day 23 Let your Shen Shine! (15 mins)
Welcome to Day 23!
Join Jeff in the park today as you balance the Heart system and Fire Element. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the heart "houses the mind." When the Shen (spirit) is strong you will have a clear and calm mind and sleep deeply. Discover an important acupressure point called Shen... -
Day 24 Be Kind to your Kidneys (17 mins)
Welcome to Day 24!
Keep going, you're doing great! Today's episode is all about strengthening the Kidney system. Learn about the role of the Kidney in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Focus energy in the low back at the area called Ming Men translated as 'Gate of Fire.' Move your attention downwar...