In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the Pericardium is responsible for protecting the Heart, which is considered to be the "Emperor" of the body. In order to function well, the Heart must be kept safe by its 'protector', the Pericardium. A rejuvenating practice to help tonify your inner fire and let it radiate out to strengthen body, mind, and spirit! ❤️🔥
Note - This routine is from "live" Qi Chat Episode #60. To learn more about the Pericardium, watch a recording of the full Qi Chat here:
Up Next in Fire Element (Heart/Small Intestine)
Fire Element and Cultivate Heart Qi (...
Nourish, cultivate and protect your heart Qi with this gentle routine. This routine was presented in "live" Qi Chat #52. For detailed instructions on how to do the movements you can watch the full Qi Chat here:
Full Body Flow - Heart (58 mins)
A deep dive into the Heart meridian, Shen, and the overall heart system. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the heart is considered one of the most important 'systems' in the body. For this reason the heart is considered the "Emperor" and the entire body works to support it.
Topics covered include...
Heart Meridian - Shen (30 min)
Nourish Heart, Shen and Spirit with gentle movement, healing sounds and still postures. Release any anxiety and feel your mood lift. Gentle movements promote relaxation that can encourage a restful sleep. Breathe into Dan Tian and Ming Men as you build your 'root' energy. Includes acupressure on ...