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Watch this video and more on Qi Gong for Vitality

Anxiety Push Routine (15 mins)

From 'A to Z' - Anxiety to Zen • 15m

Up Next in From 'A to Z' - Anxiety to Zen

  • Silent Qigong Push Routine (16 min)

    A silent, music-only version of one of Jeff's most popular videos on YouTube - 'Qigong for Anxiety.' Follow along and get into your own groove. Find your 'flow state' as you breathe deep and coordinate breath with movement. Notice how your day gets better after this routine - like pushing the 're...

  • Brain Boost Qigong (25 mins)

    Boost your brain with this 25 minute intermediate routine. Feel sharper and smarter! Contralateral upper body movements strengthen communication and connection between right and left brain. These exercises improve memory, balance and coordination. With regular practice you will notice improved me...

  • Liver/Wood Element Qigong (28 mins)

    Strengthen the liver and 'Wood' element in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Spring is the season for the Wood element. The Wood (liver/gallbladder) which has been in a state of 'storage' now comes to life in a growth phase releasing its energy. This routine moves the Qi which has been stagnant in ou...