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Watch this video and more on Qi Gong for Vitality

Watch this video and more on Qi Gong for Vitality

Qi Gong for Healthy Lungs (24 mins)

Long Practices (all routines over 15 mins) • 24m

Up Next in Long Practices (all routines over 15 mins)

  • Lift Your Sprit (33 mins)

    Breathe deep as you invigorate your body and lift your Spirit! Join Jeff in a sea of Camas flowers as you strengthen your core, lower body and stability while uplifting your mood. Excellent for raising 'vibration' so you can connect with the innate wisdom of your higher self. Enjoy!
    *If you would...

  • Release the Upper Gate (28 mins)

    A 'functional' routine designed for relief and prevention of neck tension. This is more of a 'problem-solving' video for those who sit at a desk for long periods of time and then notice tension in their neck. If you suffer from neck tension due to forward-head posture, then you'll find this extre...

  • Sitting Qigong (15 mins)

    A lovely seated routine that is yin in nature, easy to do and gentle on the body. If you have restrictions, pain or range of motion problems, this routine may be beneficial. While Qigong can help your body in many ways, this particular practice will help you enter the 'flow state.' When you exper...