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Watch this video and more on Qi Gong for Vitality

Watch this video and more on Qi Gong for Vitality

Up Next in Short Practices (all routines under 15 mins)

  • Flourish (12 mins)

    Breathe deeply and let your Qi "Flourish!" This routine is helpful for increasing Qi circulation through the liver, gallbladder, stomach, and spleen. When Qi is stagnant, we won't feel our best. These movements gently encourage healthy Qi flow and can be helpful for stress, tension, and digestion...

  • Seaside Serenity (8 mins)

    Feel centered and serene in the midst of a busy world and mind. Like being in the eye of a storm, this practice will cultivate stillness and a grounded energy when there is chaos around you. Sometimes we can change the world around us, other times we have to find the change within ourselves. Find...

  • Wake Up (13 mins)

    A gentle wake up to start your day. This quick routine will increase circulation in muscles, joints and soft tissue as well as stimulate Qi flow through all internal organs and meridians. Start with "Lifting the Sky" and move through a flowing sequence that feels a bit like a dance by the sea. Mo...