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Watch this video and more on Qi Gong for Vitality

Watch this video and more on Qi Gong for Vitality

Day 17 Healthy Boundaries (23 mins)

30 Days of Qi Gong • 23m

Up Next in 30 Days of Qi Gong

  • Day 18 Parting Horse's Mane (13 mins)

    Welcome to Day 18!
    You're doing so well. Thanks for showing up! Today's practice is all about coordination and learning the powerful exercise called "Parting Horse's Mane". This exercise is an evolution - the more you practice it the better and stronger it gets. This helps to coordinate the uppe...

  • Day 19 Brilliant Brain (22 mins)

    Welcome to Day 19!
    Improve memory, strengthen focus, and calm and clear the mind. We begin with a short warm-up and discussion of brain health and then move into the routine. Contralateral movements are used to invigorate the brain and improve coordination. Awaken your creativity and cognitive ...

  • Day 20 Inspired (11 mins)

    Welcome to Day 20!
    This routine will lift your spirit and leave you feeling light and inspired for the rest of the day! Rejuvenate your lungs, breathe easily and expand your chest. Includes tapping on important acupressure points to enhance and activate the Lung, Large Intestine and Ren meridians...