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Watch this video and more on Qi Gong for Vitality

Watch this video and more on Qi Gong for Vitality

7 Chakra Qigong (24 mins)

20 - 30 minutes • 23m

Up Next in 20 - 30 minutes

  • Chakra Balance (24 mins)

    Balance all seven chakras with this peaceful practice in a tranquil setting. Feel the strength of mighty old growth trees as you harmonize the root, dantian, solar plexus, heart, throat, yintang and crown chakras. Breathe deeply and sink into this grounding practice!

  • Clarity (28 mins)

    Find clarity as you nourish your eyes and vision. Gentle acupressure to relax eyes, face and head combined with body movements to circulate Qi through the liver, kidneys and mingmen. Find insight in your everyday life! Please watch the introduction video to learn about the movement called "Sweepi...

  • Heart Meridian - Shen (30 min)

    Nourish Heart, Shen and Spirit with gentle movement, healing sounds and still postures. Release any anxiety and feel your mood lift. Gentle movements promote relaxation that can encourage a restful sleep. Breathe into Dan Tian and Ming Men as you build your 'root' energy. Includes acupressure on ...