Sleepy Time

Sleepy Time

All the science is currently saying how important sleep is for short term and long term health. We often don't get enough sleep, and/or enough *deep* sleep. This section will include Qi Gong routines to help you naturally fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake at the right time, and it will also discuss some lifestyle strategies that are time tested to help even more!

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Sleepy Time
  • The Definitive Guide to Sleep (27 mins)

    If you experience sleep issues, then invest the next 27 minutes of your time watching this video! Jeff provides a comprehensive guide to healthy sleep. You will learn a ton of tips to help develop your own sleep plan.

    Links mentioned:
    Blue Light Blocking glasses : bas...

  • Sleep Qi Gong (19 mins)

    A night time routine perfect before bed to help you wind down and fall asleep. It helps to clear the mind in preparation for a good night's sleep. Jeff includes three helpful acupressure points to enhance the effect of this routine. The movements activate the Heart, Pericardium, Kidney and San Ji...

  • Sleep Routine with Acupressure (18 mins)

    Sleep well with this peaceful routine. Let go of any tension, worries or excess thoughts. Follow along and use acupressure points to enhance the effect: Taiyang, Neiguan (PC6), Shenmen (HT7), Fengchi (GB 20), and Anmian. Enjoy an evening by the sea as gulls glide by and the sky turns to dusk. Wa...

  • Good Eve Yin - Qigong for Sleep (21 mins)

    Prepare for a peaceful slumber with Good Eve-Yin! Strengthen the Yin aspect of the lungs, liver, kidneys and spleen to promote sleep. Feel the deep release and relaxation of body and mind.

  • Sleep Meditation (8 mins)

    A guided sleep meditation that will ease you into a peaceful slumber. Feel your body relax, as your mind slows down for the night.