Monthly Practice Schedule

Monthly Practice Schedule

Monthly Qigong practice schedule. Click on the date and follow along - there is a video for each day of the month! Every month we update and change the routines. The monthly schedule is a good way to explore different routines and keep you practicing daily! :)

Monthly Practice Schedule
  • Day 25


    Practice for day 25 of the month. Wow - 25 days in!! You got this! :)

  • Day 26


    Practice for day 26 of the month. Enjoy the feeling! :)

  • Day 27


    Practice for day 27 of the month. Your Qi is flowing! :)

  • Day 28


    Practice for day 28 of the month. You are amazing!! Well done! :)

  • Day 29


    Practice for day 29 of the month. You are AMAZING! :)

  • Day 30


    Practice for day 30 of the month. Well done! You are strong and dedicated - and YOU DID IT!! 😀